谢谢老师们为他们的成长而费尽心思的付出。 Mr. & Mrs Sia Parents of Sia Xin En K4, & Sia Meng Zhe K2 - 2011 |
Parents are always looking for quality programs for children. A quality early childhood program looks at the developmental needs of young children by focusing on and encouraging intellectual growth through exploration, play, music, art, creative activities and academics. Imiki Kinder Care offers children the opportunity to grow in these critical areas in a rich, positive and nurturing environment. The children that entered the school after having the opportunity to attend our school were well prepared for kindergarten academically and socially. It is a wonderful place to learn! by Anonymous |
我女儿贝菱(5岁),在Imiki Kinder Care 已读了约2年的时间。在这段期间,她在学习方面有很大的进展。这促使我也将幼女霈恩(3岁)也送进去学习。在短短2个月的时间,霈恩已学会自己洗澡、吃饭及穿衣裤,甚至再加还会高兴地唱儿歌和朗诵老师所教的东西。 我尤其喜欢Imiki Kinder Care的教学方式。这里所教的近似小学的科目与内容,这可谓孩子将来上小学做好准备。而且,我觉得教师们都很随和,会在我不方便之时,不计较地帮我看顾两个女儿。 在此谢谢Imiki Kinder Care,也谢谢所有的老师。 家长 林淑珍 |
我儿子瑞哲(7岁),从3岁开始就送去Imiki Kinder Care 就读。在那段期间,他得到了很多知识,也学会了自律。所以我也将女儿茹妍(5岁)送去那里就读,在学习能力方面她有了很大的进步,而且更加懂事。 这里的老师是以爱心以及使用轻松的教学方法,所以这里的孩子是在玩乐中学习。 在此谢谢Imiki Kinder Care,也谢谢老师们的教导。 家长 邱心心 |
Imiki Kinder Care has been a wonderful experience for my six years old daughter. She has been going to the school since she was five year old. My daughter has truly enjoyed the school programme. I choose to stay with Imiki Kinder Care because I like their teaching method and the teachers are always professional and the curriculum keeps my daughter actively engaged in learning. My daughter constantly talks about the fun they have at school. I strongly feel that her experience with Imiki Kinder Care is going to give her a "head start" when she starts her Primary school next year.
by Pei Lyng |
As a mother of 3 children, i thought that the Imiki Kindercare are so nice to enter. The general atmosphere is one where both the teachers and children seem more engaged and involved with each other. Helpful, friendly and caring teachers makes me no worries about my children. I can see many benefits for the children and me. The more hours the children are here (Imiki) the more they get to learn. Having fun with the individual activities makes our children more happy as they wished. It is quite apparent that the lower ratios between teacher / child (1 - 10) has a very positive effect on the whole learning enviroment. Great to gave my child full days especially to prepare them even more for defachment ready for primary school. Lastly, to all the staffs of Imiki Kindercare Puncak Jalil, Excellent, Absolutely, Wonderful. Thanks. Keep it Up! by Charisma & Calvin Parents SRJK (C) Teacher |
我的小儿在Imiki就读了两年,有很大的分别。因那有专业的老师教导和系统化的教导方式会着重所有学生成绩记录和进长成展跟家长及老师三方面的沟通,在此也谢谢老师的深导。 by joe Hung Parents Businessman |
我的女儿在米毫克毫就读,她学唱歌,跳舞。Imiki Kinder Care,老师教书有耐心和爱心,所以我很开心也很放心把孩子交给老师们。
Wai Teng Parents Store manager |
I send my daughter to this school because I want her to learn additional language which will be of advantage for her furture. Also, I want her to understand the Chinese culture and tradition. After few months, she can speak and write very well in mandarin. Thank you to all Imiki teachers. by Ardini Parents Banker |
我们的两个孩子都送去Imiki Kinder Care 就读。在这一年多的日子里,经过幼儿园里的老师们细心调教之下,我们的一对儿女变得更懂事,独立,并且更有自信。这点让我们觉得非常放心与安慰。此外,在学术方面,我们的一对儿女也在短短的一年里掌握了各个科目,并且出乎我们意料之外地有能力阅读三语的书籍。我们相信这对他们往后升上小学一年级时有极大的帮助。在此,谢谢Imiki Kinder Care 里所有老师们对我们儿女的无私付出与教导。愿神祝福你们! XinYue & Deng Yang Parents Piano Teacher |