When I first saw the ad in the newspaper for Imiki
franchise, I was in a kindergarten teacher position. After researching and meeting
with the ServiceMaster, Mr Tan Chin Seong, I realized that there were some very good
reasons for me to purchase a franchise.:-
One of the best parts of my job is watching children develop a LOVE of learning and myself able to gain real life experience. For those who want to go into business for themselves and make a positive impact on the lives of children, Imiki provides the framework to make it happen. Imiki, we hope to continue to make you proud and thank you for giving us the privilege to join this growing team. |
2010年是我与老师们团结协作、奋力进取的一年,在依米奇幼儿园的发展历程中,也是令人难忘的一年。在这之前,我是一名打工族,每天只是上班完成手头上的工作,然后下班,简简单单的生活方式,真的有点乏味。后来我有了一个计划,想趁年轻时创业!于是我就在众多行业中,选择了教育界。我清楚了解创办一间幼儿教育所不是一件容易的事,尤其是在面对执照申请、选择地点等等。所以我决定寻找一间幼儿品牌加盟机构。 刚开始创业的我,事实上所拥有的资金并不多。不过在选择加盟公司时,我所要求的,不单是加盟费或执照申请,而最重要的是该公司所提供的教材与教育理念。所以经过了好一轮的筛选,最后我选择了全才教育私人有限公司。除了加盟和版权费不高外,该公司所提供的教学课程非常优秀。全才教育私人有限公司提倡爱心教育,加上四大教学法,不但让小孩们在学习过程中更容易掌握,更让教学过程充满趣味、欢乐,所以就算是再深的字,孩子们也能容易学习。 市场上有很多教育品牌,所提供的教育课程五花八门。但若在教材及教学理念方面缺乏概念和完善的管理,那也是败絮其中!所以在此我也想让各位有意投身于教育界的人士知道,全才教育私人有限公司的确让我更有信心延续教育这行业,她也能成为你在教育界发展的平台。 |
With my over nine years teaching life in a private and international school, I always believe that teaching is the greatest profession as an educator takes up the important role to train a child the way he should go. I joined Imiki when I was inspired by the teaching concept adopted here when I attended a seminar organized by Imiki. The main teaching methodology in Imiki "Teaching with Care" impressed me as it allows children to learn and grow so as to produce independent thinking children with good manners and proper respects. At Imiki, our aim is to provide quality education emphasizes not only on academic but also on the morale qualities. More so, Imiki provides the training necessary for me to set up and run this business efficiently. Also, I get the ongoing support from the management team. Our Imiki staff undergo continuous professional development to ensure that we gain the most up-to-date, relevant and effective teaching method in the education industry. Last but not least, I believe that Imiki will continue to develop new and exciting approaches to business and I hope that we can work together to grow the brand. |
2008年之前,已经是幼儿教育者的我,原本打算自立一间属于自己的幼儿园。 我很努力的在寻找,适合我心意的教材。偶然之下,让我在报章上看见了 Imiki的幼儿园加盟广告,原本只是想上门了解该公司的运作和加盟概念;却 在说明会上发现了合我心意的教材。也在2008年,我加盟了Imiki幼儿园。 Imiki的四大教学法,的确是在幼教工作上,完善的让老师们和学生们更容易的 融合以及轻松快速的学习。公司提供的教师培训,不仅让幼教老师们重拾活力, 而且也学习了各种教学法,让孩子们更容易吸收和运用所学习的知识。 Imiki的爱心教育,不只是教育老师们和孩子们的爱心道德,也融合了家长们的 爱心配合,才能让孩子们的成长教育达到致高的成就。 每天看着孩子们开心地步进幼儿园,笑着跟老师们说早安,是我在这五年内最 满足的一件事。对于一个称职的老师,给与孩子们和家长们的叮咛已是我每一天 回家前的习惯。 我相信我的选择,我相信我选对了公司,一家好的公司品牌等于一个会说话的产品。 还记得刚开办幼儿园时,好多家长对我们的教育理念还是存有怀疑,觉得只是在 做宣传的招数;但这五年来,我不仅建立了家长们的信心,而且还得到大家的信任, 及肯定。 我坚信,在未来的五年,十年,Imiki教育乐园还是我的选择。我也坚信在Imiki教育 乐园连锁集团的带领下,可以让我们的品牌,在教育平台上能达到更高的领域! 我很高兴,我拥有了一个让我开心,满足的事业。除了拥有稳定的收入,开心的工作 环境,最重要就是,教育了好多的下一代,培育了好多的小栋梁,也是给下一代积 下最好的功德。 |